Gnomes are small creatures that are fifteen centimeters tall. Gnomes are wide spread through out the world. They
are also said to live underground to gaurd treasure. But being the IGS we can tell you that Gnomes obviusly do not live underground
and they do not have treasure. We can tell you that Gnomes live in wooded areas and mostly bushes. We found that bushes at
a school are not the safest places to live after the terrorist attack. We could also use some radiation detectors but we will
probably be leaving all school bushes.
High Ranking Gnomes Include:
- Vans Putin, President
- Minnewicket Kluetmeier, Vice President
- Hans Henkingugurgalar, Executive Director, IGSERT
- Henkinbiemer Schudolu, Chief Correspondent, GNN
- Sveldar O'Fitzgerald, Acting Director, UGN
- Vertredungsplan, The Late Former President
- Gilda Hamburg, The Late Former Director of UGN
- The "Wizard"